Travel and Leisure

Har Ki Dun Trek: A Trek to Shiva’s Valley


The Himalayas are the tallest mountains in the world and form a natural boundary between India and China. The picturesque valley Har Ki Dun is an abode of Shiva and attracts thousands of pilgrims every year. It is one of the most famous temple towns located in Uttarakhand, India. The town houses an ancient temple called Gauri Shankar Mandir where two idols Gauri Shankar are worshiped as Lord Shiva and his consort Parvati, a classic representation which was prevalent during medieval times.

Har Ki Dun

Har ki Dun is a great trek in the Himalayas and it offers you an opportunity to visit the valley of shiva which has a beautiful waterfall and lots of scenic views. Sitting at an altitude of 13,300 ft, Har Ki Dun treks are a must visit for those who want to experience the true beauty of Garhwal Himalayas. The trek includes steep landscapes and high-mountain peaks. Along the trek you can see huge mountain peaks towering over you; they are the main attraction of this area as it is not popular among travelers, so there is no hassle of overcrowding or queues and one can enjoy nature at its best. You will also get a chance to know about different cultures and traditions of local people that live here.

The most common thing that one can find in this region are crows. One can find many temples built in and around this area and all these temples have a spiritual connection with Lord Shiva who is believed to reside there as well. It has been said that after completing this trek one will be cleansed and also one’s sins will be washed away by dipping in any river near the temple which then emerges into the Ganges River further downstream.

The Trek

The Har Ki Dun trek starts from the small town of Bageshwar and takes you through forested mountains, villages and apple orchards to a remote valley called Har Ki Dun. It’s the perfect place to relax and recharge before continuing your journey home. Har Ki Dun Trek is a trek to the Valley of Shiva in Uttarakhand, India. It is a quiet and beautiful place where you can find peace and serenity. The Har Ki Dun trek is on the way to the second-highest mountain peak – Nanda Devi Kishtwar National Park. This trek offers beautiful views as it has many waterfalls and ponds. There are also mountains that offer great camping spots. The hike to Har Ki Dun can be started from either Joshimath or Ghatikesh side and will take 4-5 days depending on your fitness level and the route you take.

The first stop on my adventure was Har ki Dun, or “the abode of gods” in Hindi. Local legend has it that when Shiva helped his wife Parvati reach this hilltop he left his footprint behind as an eternal symbol of their love. Har ki Dun is a journey through the serene valleys of the Himalayas – a trek to one of the most beautiful places in the world. The trail passes through villages, forests, and settlements of stunning beauty. It is not difficult to spot signs of Bhutanese influence in these villages – their style of architecture, their culture, and traditions. It’s also an opportunity to get an insight into how Bhutanese people live their lives and what they do on a daily basis.

The Trail

The snow makes the trail slippery. Still, this can be managed with the right gear – videlicet microspikes and gaiters. Ensure your microspikes are worn before you step on snow. Hard snow is extremely prone to slips. A small slip can affect injuries like a ligament gash, a sprained ankle, or indeed a fracture. Always put your bottom on bases made by earlier pedestrians. Look out for deep bases. Don’t try to make new paths of your own. Avoid catching one another or fumbling out your camera for filmland.

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