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News Jacking: How To Use News As Your Marketing Strategy

Every one of us might have seen an example of newsjacking on social media but it must be unknown to most people. Newsjacking is the term coined by David Meerman Scott. It can be primarily defined as a way to infuse viral or breaking news in your marketing content. This technique might have not been relevant in old times as much as it is now. Many brands unknowingly use this method to catch the attention of their audiences. Newsjacking is a very effective and creative way to grab the attention of millions of audiences as well as your target audience.

Breaking news is a time-sensitive subject matter, it stays relevant only for a short period. Hence, making newsjacking a very crucial yet efficient way of marketing. You might have come across numerous posts on social media that humorously use the news to catch the attention of their customer. Moreover, customers also get attracted to such quirky and smart ways of advertisements and marketing. News Jacking post writing is not an easy thing to crack, a lot of attention, focus, and creativity goes into such a post. Furthermore, these posts might attract a lot of customers but they do not stay relevant for a longer period. Newsjacking is a very time-sensitive phenomenon as mentioned before but has a lot of potential as a marketing and advertising tool.

Advantages Of News Jacking

Using the events happening in the world as a way of marketing your product can really take your marketing strategy to next level. It is not about the usual yearly days like Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day etc. we are talking about current news. The relevancy and connection that a brand can build through nailing a newsjacking post might be equal to months of marketing. The smart move of seizing the news in through the perspective of your brand clicks with the customer. However, newsjacking must be done smartly as it can go as a breakthrough moment for your brand or can make the post look forced just for the sake of trend. Let’s dive into the benefits of News Jacking for your brand marketing strategy:

  • It has a tendency to get viral
  • It can send traffic that can turn into future leads
  • The traffic can also help in getting higher ranks through optimization
  • Breaks usual patterns of marketing and advertisement of a brand
  • The newsjacking post can be used as link building as shares are increased on the social media
  • Newsjacking posts can introduce you to new audiences as well. The smart and creative use of the news might attract the viewer to become your customer. It can also add to the credibility of the brand.

Technique And Timing For News Jacking

  • Follow News Alerts

Be vigilant upon the news, constantly monitor it. Follow Twitter and Facebook to know what news are people reacting the most about. Try to pick the most relevant and relatable news for newsjacking so the audience can relate. Google trends also play an important role to know the current trends of social media. It is highly advisable that you set your news alert and notification on to get the news immediately and keep up with the news trend.

  • Research And Groundwork

Once you have got the story, your journey of newsjacking has started. To nail the newsjacking post, you must have to do your thorough groundwork and research about the specified incident and news event. Fact check and accuracy of the news is important so that it does not harm your brand’s image. Moreover, groundwork makes sure that your post is unique from others and lets you have in-depth knowledge about the event.

  • Timing Is The Key

The success of your newsjacking post majorly depends upon the timing. You have to master the art of timing as newsjacking posts can be beneficial for you within a particular span of time. If you post the content after the news is irrelevant then it is of no use. It can even make your marketing seem slow and lazy.

  • Take Advantage Of Social Media

Newsjacking post has started gaining more attention on social media platforms. People enjoy sharing humorous and relatable news on their profiles. A good and smart marketing act is appreciated by all kinds of audiences. One of the biggest advantages of posting on social media is that you can find new audiences and customers.

  • Don’t Offend Anyone

News Jacking is a crucial act of marketing. It can go either way that is why one has to be 100% sure that their newsjacking post is not going to offend anybody. The worst thing possible in a marketing strategy is to offend any potential client. Therefore, it is said not to news jack a tragedy or an event that can offend a community.

Examples Of News Jacking

  • The Blue And White Dress Mystery

You must recall the day when social media was flooded with debates on the color of an outfit whether it is blue or white. That riddle continues to perplex many minds. It wasn’t simply a social media fad; it was news that was broadcast all across the world. Dunkin Donuts was one of the businesses that jumped on the bandwagon to capitalize on this marketing trend.

  • Cristiano Ronaldo’s Water Bottle Move

Cristiano Ronaldo, the famous footballer, made news when he replaced a fizzy drink bottle with a water bottle from the press conference table. The stated drink corporation suffered a $4 billion loss as a result of this single incident.  This move of Cristiano Ronaldo swept over the internet. Ikea, the well-known furniture retailer, used this newsjacking article to wow its clients.

Final Words

Social media has created several marketing options. One of the most common techniques is newsjacking, which is gaining popularity. Customers are drawn to it because of its relevance. Small businesses, in particular, have a tremendous opportunity in terms of News Jacking to attract more people, thus we recommend that you try out newsjacking as soon as you acquire the next breaking news.

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