Fashion and Life Style

Bubbles Festival: The Invitation to Make Festive Soap

Prepare the paper garlands, the confetti, and the little pointed hats, it’s time for the Bubble Party! And for that, nothing better than our new homemade soup recipe. With its inclusions, it has a Festive Soap side that we really like!

To make this soap, we focused on three elements: softness, bubbles, and color. And we can say that the result is up to our expectations! This recipe gives a soft and pleasant foam, which cleans all skin types without attacking them, while the color tips dotting the goat milk soap are a real pleasure for the eyes. Add to that its sweet and flowery scent and all the ingredients are there for it to be perfect.

You will see, using it is a real (Bubble) Party moment!

How to make soap with glycerin soap inclusions?

Before starting

The scents chosen are trace accelerants, which is why the water: soda ratio is 2.

In this soap recipe, you are asked to work with a light trace, then a medium trace. The latter is important because it allows the inclusions to hold well in the soap paste and thus prevent them from all falling to the bottom. We, therefore, advise you to have made a few cold soaps before embarking on this production, to be able to identify these different traces.


Sodium hydroxide solution

12g (1%) sodium lactate

88 g (8.1%) sodium hydroxide

176 g (16.2%) demineralized water

Basic fat

150g (13.8%) coconut oil

170g (15.6%) shea butter

130 g (12%) macadamia oil

60 g (5.5%) castor oil

90 g (8.3%) hazelnut oil

Over greasing

30 g (2.8%) hazelnut oil


1.8 g (0.2%) titanium dioxide

0.5 to 1 teaspoon of mica(s) of your choice


150 g (13.8%) glycerin soap (here we used white, but it is also possible to use transparent)

A few drops of dye(s) for glycerin soap of your choice


Three small stainless-steel bowls

A large Pyrex cup or an HDPE pot for the soda mixture (minimum capacity of 500 ml)

A jar for weighing sodium hydroxide

A hot plate

What to make a water bath

A large stainless-steel bowl

A small silicone spatula

A silicone spatula

A scale accurate to 0.1 g

A dropper

A few ramekins

A few teaspoons

An immersion blender

A thermometer

A rectangular silicone mold (for the soap)

A silicone mold, oval shapes (for the glycerin soap strips)

A vegetable peeler

A small sieve

A manual whisk

A corrugated soap dish

Individual protection equipment

Good to know!

It’s always a bad idea to change an oil or butterfat base, or you’ll have to run your soap recipe through a sodium hydroxide calculator.

The soap is superfatted at 7% by the technique of super-fatting with trace, with hazelnut oil, which was chosen for its softening and non-comedogenic properties (it is suitable for all skin types).

Saponified oils and butter bring beautiful properties to this homemade soap:

coconut oil: hardness, abundant foam, washing power.

shea butter: hardness, foam, and softness.

macadamia oil: sweetness.

castor oil: softness and very nice foam.

hazelnut oil: sweetness.

It is possible to replace the ribbons of glycerin soap with scraps of cold process soap, which you would have obtained during the manufacture of previous soaps. In this case, you should skip steps 8 to 10 and add 150g of scraps in step 14.

Sodium lactate helps harden the soap. Without it, it would be difficult to unmold and use.

Steps to follow

Prepare and disinfect the equipment as well as the workspace.

Sodium hydroxide solution

Weigh the sodium lactate and deionized water in an HDPE container, then mix with a spatula to dissolve the sodium lactate.

Prepare the caustic soda solution: weigh the caustic soda, pour it into the water and lactate mixture, mix. Let cool.

Preparation of fats, flavor, and coloring

The coconut oil and shea butter in the large bowl, then melt.

Other base oils (macadamia, castor, and hazelnut) in a small bowl.

Weigh the super fatting hazelnut oil and the perfume in a small bowl. Homogenize using a small spatula.

Weigh the titanium dioxide in a ramekin.

Preparation of inclusions with glycerin

Weigh 30g of glycerin soap into a Pyrex cup. Melt in a bain-marie. Once melted, add a few drops of the glycerin coloring of your choice, then mix well with a spoon. Pour into one of the cavities of the mold and let cool.

Repeat step 8 four more times, with a different color each time. Leave the soaps to cool (it is possible to put them for five minutes in the freezer to speed up the process).

Once the soaps have solidified, use a peeler to make soap ribbons. Pour them into a bowl and break them up by mixing them by hand (this breaks up the small frizzies that form, and which do not have the same effect in the final soap).

Soap preparation

Once the solid fats have melted, remove them from heat, and add the liquid base oils and titanium dioxide. Mix using the immersion blender to disperse the color well.

When the soda and base fat solutions have both reached a temperature close to 35°C, pour the soda solution into the base fats. Mix with the spatula for a few seconds, then continue using the immersion blender at the lowest speed.

Once the light trace is reached, add the mixture of perfume and super-fatting. Mix using the spatula to homogenize, then for a few seconds using the immersion blender to obtain a medium trace.

Once the average trace has been reached, add the ribbons of glycerin soap, then mix with the spatula to distribute them evenly in the soap paste.

Pour the soap paste into the mold. Tap the bottom of the mold (filled) on the table to flatten the dough and distribute it well.

Soap surface decoration

Take the hand whisk and lay the end (the rounder part) on top of the soap, then lift it. This simple movement creates relief on the top of the soap. Do this over the entire surface.

Sprinkle mica on the surface of the soap using the small sieve, making diagonal lines. For greater accuracy, hold the sieve close to the surface.

Blow on the surface of the soap to remove the excess mica (the one that did not cling to the soap paste).

Cutting and curing

Allow the soap to harden for twenty-four hours, then unmold and cut it, wearing gloves, using a corrugated soap cutter.

Provide a cure of six weeks away from moisture and light.

Use and storage

This homemade soap is quite mild, with a 7% trace surfeiting with hazelnut oil. It is suitable for all skin types and can be used on the body and face. Enjoy this one of the most enjoyable goat milk products.

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