Computers and Technology

Optimize The Ranking Of Your Website In Search Engines In 2022

Direct visitors

They know the address of the site, which means that your notoriety is important, SEO Agency Mohali or they have discovered it on a traditional advertising medium (communication brochure, business card, car signage, advertising, etc.). E-mailing can also contribute to site traffic.

Visitors coming from a search engine

Visitors found your site on a search engine and clicked on a link that took them to a page on your site. They entered a keyword or phrase that is found on your website pages. The weight of the different search engines varies according to languages and countries. In France in 2019, 92.99% of visits (all devices combine: computers, mobiles, tablets) were brought by the Google search engine; 3.28% by Bing, 1.28% by Yahoo, the rest being shared by more confidential search engines.

Visitors coming from another site

It can be a supplier’s site, an institutional site (Chamber of Commerce or Trades, professional unions), a blog, a social network (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.), Digital Marketing Agency Mohali Chandigarh an online review site, etc.

Natural referencing and paid to reference

Natural referencing or SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Search engine optimization, also called natural referencing, is a set of techniques aimed at increasing the visibility of a web page in search results (SERP, for Search Engine Results Page).

It is therefore essential to increase the number of pages identifiable by the search engine. The visibility of the site relies in this case solely on the proper structuring of the pages and the contents of the site.

Paid referencing OR SEA (Search Engine Advertising)

The SEA (we also speak of advertising positioning) is a system that aims to place an advertisement in a good position on search engines, in the paid part. On Google, SEO Agency Mohali we use Google Ads, formerly Google Adwords, to position ourselves on search terms and improve visibility.

To optimize a website in terms of SEA, a clear strategy must be established. The referencing is always start upstream of the realization and the setting online of a site. It is a long-term job.

How search engines work

Each search engine has a “robot” (called a crawler or spider). This is a utility that browses the Internet from site to site.

When it arrives on your site, it reads your pages by going from hypertext link to hypertext link and analyzes the content of the pages in order to define the interest of your site. It saves all or part of the pages of your site in order to constitute its index base. Each search engine offers a specific page to indicate that your site exists. This voluntary referencing will trigger the robot to come to your site.

Rules to respect

Optimize your referencing thanks to technical solutions compatible with new Internet uses

Adopt responsive design

Responsive design, or adaptive website, consists of developing a website that will adapt to all the devices with which Internet users connect today. Traffic on mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones, connected watches, Smart TVs and others, with very different screen sizes, SEO Agency Mohali has exploded!


To optimize its referencing in search engines: the optimization of tags is essential!

The Title tag (Title tag) and the Meta Description tag provide a short description of the content of the web page. They have a very strategic role: you have to create the desire to click on your site! Good tags include inciting action verbs and well-targeted keywords.

A good keyword strategy and quality content

Keyword research is one of the most strategic steps to optimize your website’s SEO on search engines. Also, it is necessary to list the queries (searches by word or expression) that Internet users are likely to perform in Google.

Finally, we must also think about videos and photos whose content Google fails to index. How? ‘Or’ What ? By defining “alternative texts” to describe each image/video and allow Google to understand its content.

Set up a netlinking strategy

What is it about?

This is a strategy for acquiring inbound links or backlinks, Digital Marketing Agency Mohali Chandigarh to boost its web referencing.

Tip: Ask your partners to direct links to your site. Also think about taking care of the internal mesh of the site. As soon as possible, create links in your own content to enhance your different pages related to this theme.

Be visible on social networks

The web is above all social. Impossible to miss social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Linkedin).

The presence on social networks increases your visibility, the points of contact with your prospects and the number of links that lead to your site, in connection with your Netlinking strategy. These are acquisition channels, which drive traffic to your site.

  • Analyze your website
  • Analyze your website and strengthen your establishment’s online presence
  • Discover this product
  • Contact your advisor


  • Boost your visibility with Google My Business
  • Create and administer a Google My Business account to improve its visibility with potential customers
  • Discover this product
  • Contact your advisor

Web analytics: Google Analytics and Google Search Control

Today the benchmark for web analysis tools is Google analytics. A free tool that allows you to analyze the statistics of your web pages’ visits. Audience, traffic acquisition, conversion rate, bounce rate, etc. Learn from it to optimize your Google referencing. It also allows you to follow SEA paid referencing campaigns (Adwords, display, etc.).

Google Search Control allows you to observe how Google indexes. Your website (metadescription tags, robots.txt, sitemap…) and the performance of your positioning on your keywords.

Ban copy/paste or duplicate content

Search engines don’t like to copy/paste between two sites. Google lowers your score if your pages are plagiarisms of content found on other websites. Creating unique and rich content means giving yourself every chance to optimize your ranking in search engines and make a difference with the competition!

Mistakes and over-optimization

Be careful, even the algorithms spot spelling and grammar errors as well as abusive optimization (over-optimization or keyword stuffing).

SEO: a job

Natural referencing is closely linked to Google, to the point that we now often speak of “Google referencing”. With more than 90% of searches in almost all the countries of the globe, SEO Agency Mohali the American search engine enjoys an undeniable position on the market. In fact, SEOs focus primarily on this search engine to create SEO strategies and implement optimizations.

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